Monday, 15 April 2013

Cat Manual?

One of the things I’m finding hardest about having Milo, is that I don’t always know what I’m doing.  Living alone, and having never had cats as pets before, I’m pretty much doing it blind.  I find myself worrying about him unnecessarily.  For example, yesterday I was speaking to my sister in law, and telling her how Milo will often get distracted from playing with his favourite toy, to gnaw at his leg, or scratch his ear.  I was concerned he must be feeling itchy if it was stopping him mid-pounce!  She said it’s perfectly normal.

He also wolfs down his food the moment its laid down which, from stereotypical cat generalisations, I believed cats didn’t do.  I thought they grazed at their food throughout the day.  So Milo wolfing his food straight away was a bit alarming, and I thought I was underfeeding him.  A few days of thoroughly weighing out his food and a quick re-read of the back of his food packet reassured me I was/am feeding him the correct amount for his weight.  He is obviously just a food-focused cat!

One of the other main things that had me worried, was when he goes on his ‘mad 5’ around the house.  He will bomb it around the place, ears back, eyes wide.  I thought he’d terrified himself the first time he did it.  It wasn’t until he did it when my parents were visiting that I understood it was just a way of burning off energy.  I thought he was running away from something.  Apparently this is a normal thing as well.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if cats came with a manual!?

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Travelling Cat

I'm so happy Milo travels well and is a friendly cat.  Whenever I am away at my parents for the day, Milo comes with.  He happily climbs into his carrier and does alright in the car.  I do have to make sure he hasn't eaten beforehand, otherwise I tend to arrive at my parents with a neat pile of sick just inside the carrier door!  But otherwise he's brilliant.  He's not at all nervous when he's there, he's straight out of his carrier and over to the nearest person for some attention.  He'll quite happily explore the house, then snuggle down on a chair next to a radiator (I don't have radiators at home, so it's a novelty for him!).

I'm so happy he is so laid back about it all...certainly makes my life a bit easier.

Saturday, 6 April 2013


Hmm... someone found the catnip tub and helped themselves!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Vets Update

We went back to the vets today for a check up - he has a clean bill of health.  His ears are much better and I can stop with the medicines.  Phew!  He got his up to date booster jab, too, so that's him done, hopefully, vets wise for the next while.  Fingers crossed!

He's actually been really affectionate this evening after the vets which is nice, shows there's hope he'll go back to his old ways again!